Getting help with DE
How can we help?
There are many ways you can get support and assistance to help you excel in online teaching and learning.
Distance Education Coordinator
The DE Coordinator assists faculty in the design, development, and implementation of information technology to serve instruction and leads the colleges Distance Education program through the participation on college governance. The DE Coordinator is also responsible for DE-related Professional Development and maintaining the list of certified online instructors.
- DE Coordinator: Kelly Falcone,
Academic Technology Resource Center (ATRC)
The ATRC staff serve as our Canvas administrators. They are our Canvas experts. As Canvas experts, they can provide excellent support in matters pertaining to your use of Canvas. Any problems that arise in Canvas should be communicated directly with the ATRC.
- ATRC Website Links to an external site.
- Make an appointment with ATRC Staff Links to an external site.
- Call ATRC at: (760) 744-1150, ext. 2862
- Submit a support ticket to ATRC Links to an external site. (you must log in to Wordpress using your network username and password to submit a ticket)
Instructional Designer
We have one faculty member who is the colleges Instructional Designer. The list below is only provided as possible ideas for types of instructional design support provided, however this is not exhaustive! Please reach out to partner in your success.
- Syllabus creation
- Designing and facilitating active learning in your class
- Identifying opportunities to humanize the learning environment
- Creating accessible media
- Utilizing the principles of Universal Design for Learning
- Creating effective video lessons
- Infusing technology into the learning environment
- Identifying opportunities to incorporate culturally responsive teaching practices
- Designing effective and engaging online courses
- Aligning objectives to course content and assessments
- Kelly Falcone,
- Instructional Designer Webpage Links to an external site.
- Book a 30-Minute Instructional Design Appointment Links to an external site.
Information Services (IS) Helpdesk
Palomar IS department is responsible for all of the technology used at Palomar College. The IS Helpdesk can assist with:
- Password or account help
- Access available technology:
- Office 365
- Adobe
- Single Sign On
- Campus Computers
Department Chair and Colleagues
Please do not underestimate the helpfulness of your department chair and colleagues!
Palomar Professional Development
Palomar's PD department offers a tremendous amount of learning opportunities both through instructor led workshops and also self-paced asynchronous online learning modules.
Utilize the Canvas Support Site
When in Canvas, simply select the "Canvas Support" icon on the lefthand side of the page to access the very helpful Canvas Instructor guides.